our message to you…

You are the only one responsible for your mental health. The greatest gift you can give yourself is to know and understand your own story. More importantly, know and understand when it’s time for a change in that story.~


We offer counseling, coaching, and group therapy to a diverse range of populations. Addressing issues like addictions, trauma, sexuality issues, and adjustment problems in which we approach with a great deal of expertise, sensitivity, and commitment.

Given the breadth and depth of services that Metanoia Waters has provided since 2019, we have helped make a substantial impact on the lives of countless individuals, couples, and families. The name "Metanoia" itself, which signifies a transformative change of heart or spiritual conversion, aptly represents the transformative journey many of our clients undergo through the support and guidance we provide.

Whether someone is looking for advice, tools to overcome personal obstacles, or simply a safe space to voice their feelings and concerns, Metanoia Waters has been a beacon of hope and support for many.