

Journey to Become the Best Version of You



Freedom comes with forgiveness of ourselves and others. However, it is a process and not a point-in-time event. We still must make the decision to forgive and that is a transformative moment.



Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you.



What We Offer

We offer support to you to individuals, couples, families, and employee groups who are seeking help at this point in their journey.



We offer a safe space, confidential, nonjudgmental environment for you to get the treatment you seek for common issues affecting all of us today. Your counselor is committed to building a reliable, truthful and trusting relationship with you for the sole purpose of your growth.



Whether it be for your business, workplace, church group, or a school setting, we offer various topics of interest for use in a learning platform. We are available to come to your facility to help your organization or group move the ball forward. Topics include, but are not limited to, organizational psychology, workplace dynamics, trauma in the workplace, group operations, and group dynamics, among others.

Holistic Psychotherapy

Combining practices from the east and the west, we offer individually packaged services that combine mental, physical and spiritual components to treat areas such as depression, anxiety, sexual issues, and mood regulation. We also offer services to small groups or families in search of healing.

Groups & Psychodrama

It has been proven statistically that groups are beneficial in the therapeutic process by offering support, universality, and reducing anxiety, depression and stress. Our groups are targeted toward specific areas of focus such as health and nutrition, chronic illness support, co-parenting, couple’s communication, women’s sexuality, addictions, and fitness. 


Answers are knowledge for a path forward. If you are interested in being assessed for addiction, anxiety, depression, personality and other common mental health conditions, this is an area in which we can help.


APril 2015

Holding onto clutter and unnecessary items causes our living space to be suffused with debris, making it difficult to move “about the cabin freely.” Mentally, it is difficult for us to create, grow, and make needed changes when our physical space presents itself as a barrier to us.

-Kenni Walker

Trauma Trap / Your Health Magazine